Trigger Breath
Take the breath through the nose, like you’re smelling a rose. Take a deep breath through the nose like you’re smelling a rose. Feel how...

Cutting Through The Din!
Speaking can be more tiring on the voice than singing. Especially in a noisy environment. We’ve all found ourselves at a party, in a...

Meet your inner “gorilla”!. OK, you can stop chuckling now and try this: Using a quick glottal stroke, say UH, UH, UH! Make these very...

All Of The Sounds In All Of The Words
by Richard Jennings When you speak or sing, it’s your job to be understood. The listener needs all of the information to make sense of...

Listen To Yourself!
Listen To Yourself! Richard Jennings One of the most important skills for a speaking professional or singer is listening to yourself. You...

Three Is A Magic Number
Three Is A Magic Number # 1 Intellectual-Physical-Habit Richard Jennings In vocal work a lot of things happen in three. Here’s how we can...

Smile, Your Voice Carries Further
Did you ever notice when your favorite singer is singing that torch that is so sad and sounds so great, he/she looks like they’re...

How Do You FInd The Right Voice Teacher?
How do you find the right voice teacher? There are many voice teachers out there. Some really know what they're doing and get great...

"Belt" Is A Four Letter Word!
You hear a lot of talk these days about your “belt” range. The dictionary defines “belt” as: -beat or strike (someone) as a punishment...

This Ain't Football Practice -Letting go of push & strain in your voice
We make vocal sound by allowing breath from our lungs to set the vocal folds into vibration, creating a small, buzzy sound. We shape...